Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blog Post 5: Keep it One-"hunnit" - Don't be no FRAUD!

Many of the persons whom Dante has seen in hell have asked to be remembered to others when he returns from the pit. Why do you think they make that request? Gives examples and justifications for each example (you will have to refer back to prior readings). In Canto XVII, describe in detail the creature that comes from the Circle of Fraud. Does it seem an appropriate monster for the Circle of Fraud? Dante opens Canto XVIII with a descriptive passage unequaled anywhere else in the Inferno. What does he describe? Why does he spend so much time on this description? Why are the sinners that Dante observed in Canto XX punished by having their heads turned backwards?

Please be sure to use textual evidence to support your answer. PLEASE PROOFREAD YOUR BLOG POST (Do NOT use this as an opportunity to be humorous or to utilize text talk - consider these mini formal writing assignments).

Your blog post is due on Sunday, September 18, 2016 (A)/Monday, September 19, 2016(B) by 11:59pm with a minimum of 300 words.

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